J. Khitrin
Chairman of the Constitutional Court
of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
the Features of the Status and the Ways of Improvement of Effectiveness of its Activity


The Chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Constitutional Council represents in his report the 5-year activity of the Constitutional Council of Kazakhstan, the features of kasakh model of implementation of constitutional jurisdiction, the powers of the Constitutional Council.

The reporter especially emphasized among the powers of the Council the power to interpret officially the norms of the Constitution: more than half of the applications filed to the Council, concern the implementation of this power.

The reporter emphasizes the necessity of the further improvement of the practice of constitutional control, the powers of the Council, as well as the extension of the scope of the subjects entitled to appeal to the Council.

Apart from the preventive review of the constitutionality of laws, it is necessary to entitle the Council also with a power to fulfill posterior review, as well as with a power to solve jurisdictional disputes between state bodies.