B. Eshonov
of the Constitutional Court
of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The actual problems of formation and development of the Constitutional justice in Uzbekistan

In accordance with the Constitution, adopted on 8 December 1992, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan was founded on 22 December, 1995. Being the organ of constitutional control, exercising the judicial power through constitutional procedure, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan defines the conformity of acts of legislative and executive powers with the Basic Law of the Republic, makes the interpretation of constitutional norms and state laws, considers the acts of normative nature of the General Prosecutor.

The predecessor of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of constitutional jurisdiction was the Committee of constitutional review, founded in March 1990 and elected by the Supreme Council of the Republic. The above-mentioned Committee was a transitional organ by its nature, and since 6 March, 1993 the obligations of the Constitutional Court were laid on it.

The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan acts by the European model of constitutional jurisdiction.

Taking into account the widespread practice of many countries, the works on the solution of a rather important problem are carried out in the Republic. The question is the expediency, more than, the necessity of enlarging the scope of subjects, entitled to submit issues to consider before the Constitutional Court. The aim of solution of this problem is to enforce the efficiency of protection of Citizens' Rights and freedoms, guaranteed by the Constitution, including in the field of labor, civil, dwelling and tax legal-relations.

The Parliament decision "On increasing of legal culture of society" and the President's decree "On occurring everywhere study of the Constitution" act at all levels in the Republic, which, undoubtedly, promotes the assertion of the fundamental principles of supremacy of the Constitution and laws in the society.