
a) Armenia / b) Constitutional Court / c)   / d) 20-12-2016 / e) DCC-1333 / f) On the conformity with the Constitution of provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code/ g) Téghékagir (Official Gazette) / h.


Keywords of the Systematic Thesaurus:




Fundamental Rights - Civil and political rights - Freedom of expression.


Fundamental Rights - Civil and political rights - Rights of the child.


Keywords of the alphabetical index:


Child, interests, priority.




The right of the child to be heard should not be subject to age limitations; this is not required by the Constitution and the legislative provisions in question did not envisage this. The body conducting the proceedings must facilitate the child’s right to be heard and make its decision with the interests of the child as its guiding principle.




I. The applicant challenged a regulation of the Criminal Procedure Code whereby the rights of a juvenile or an incapacitated injured person are not exercised by them but by their legal representatives.


II. The Constitutional Court noted the constitutional provisions to the effect that a child is entitled to express his or her opinion freely. This opinion, along with the age and maturity of the child, will be taken into consideration in matters concerning him or her. In matters concerning the child, the main focus must be the interests of the child.


These constitutional provisions did not envisage any limitation depending on age or any other matter, although the child’s age and level of maturity would be taken into account. They also placed the public authority under a clear obligation to pay primary attention to the interests of the child.


The Constitutional Court found that the objective of the constitutional norm was, in matters concerning the interests of the child, if different interests were in play, to protect the interests of the child as a priority. Where there is a collision between these interests, the public authority must protect the interests of the child.


The Constitutional Court stated that the provisions of the Constitution were of direct application; judicial practice had to be guided by the demands therein.



