1. Treaty on
European Union (with protocols and final act). Concluded at Maastricht on
7 February 1992
2. International
Coffee Agreement, 1994. Adopted by the International Coffee Council on 30
March 1994
3. Agreement
on international transport of passengers and goods by road (with additional
protocol). Signed at Stockholm on 25 January 1993
4. Convention for
the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with
respect to taxes on income and on capital (with protocol). Signed at Stockholm
on 5 April 1993.
5. Air Services
Agreement (with annex, memorandum of understanding and exchange of notes)
Signed at Tallinn on 12 May 1993
6. Entry into
force of amendments to annexes 1, 2, 6 and 7 of the above-mentioned Convention
7. Harmful Traditional
practices affecting the health of women and children .
8. European Convention
on Human Rights.
9. The European Social Charter.
10. The European Convention
on Human Rights.