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Session of the Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of Young Democracy
Session of the Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of New Democracy
Constituent Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of October 24, 1997, YerevanOn October 24, 1997 the Constituent Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of Countries of Young Democracy took place, in which the delegations of Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan and Ukraine participated. On the results of the activity of the Constituent Conference by the delegations of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Kirghiz Republic (by the written agreement) the decision on the creation of Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of Countries of Young Democracy was adopted, which has found the reflection in the Joint Communique. JOINT COMMUNIQUERealizing the exceptionally important role and significance of the institution of constitutional control in formation of rule of law state and development of democratic processes in the society; taking into account the peculiarities of transition period in development of the effective system of constitutional control; striving for the maximum use of consultative cooperation in the framework of organizing and holing the topic discussions on actual, being of mutual interest issues on constitutional justice; having the aim to enlarge the cooperation and to establish the constant exchange of experience between Constitutional Courts of countries of young democracy the constitutional control organs of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirghiz Republic, Russia and Tajikistan declare about the creation of Conference of Constitutional Courts, as a consultative institution, and invite the constitutional control organs of the other countries of young democracy to join the present Conference.
From March 1, 2011, by the Decision of the Conference of the Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of Young Democracy, the Conference is renamed “Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of New Democracy”The request of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia to join the Conference of the Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of New Democracy (November 25, 2015) |
Co-operation Agreement
between the Conference of the Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of Young Democracy
and the European Commission for Democracy through Law of the Council of Europe (Venice Commission) |
©1998-2017, CCCO of the Countries of New Democracy
is published by the Centre of the Constitutional Law of RA Project coordinator: Prof. G. Vahanyan, Adviser of the Constitutional Court of RA web administrator: M. Ghazaryan e-mail: itdep@concourt.am |