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2016SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL WORKSHOPOn December 5-6, the Workshop “The State Of Affairs of the Armenian Genocide: Litigations and Future Possible Developments” organized by the Armenian Genocide Legal Research Center of the Pan-Armenian Conference of Lawyers was held at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia. Dr. G. Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, President of the Pan-Armenian Conference of Lawyers opened the workshop with the welcome address. The issues related to the possible legal measures on overcoming the consequences of the Genocide and the prospects of their practical application were discussed at the workshop. The workshop was attended by the experts on international law from Armenia, France and Argentina. The RA CC Press Service AMBASSADOR OF INDIA AT THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURTOn December 8, Harutyunyan G., President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia hosted Yogeshwar Sangwan, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of India to Armenia. The visit was cognitive, and Mr. Harutyunyan presented the Ambassador the structure, functions, and international relations of the Constitutional Court, and the establishment and activity of the World Congress founded with the Venice Commission in 2009, which involves 102 countries, including the Supreme Court of India. Mr. Harutyunyan addressed to the Ambassador requesting the Supreme Court of India to participate at the traditional international conference which will be held in October 2017 as it may become the basis for the cooperation between the Constitutional Court of Armenia and. Supreme Court of India. He highly assessed the Ambassador’s efforts in developing Armenian-Indian relations and stressed with gratitude that the first Constitution of Armenia was written by the Shahamiryans in Madras, India in the early 18th century, and the activity of the Armenian community shows the special solicitude of the Indian government towards the Armenians living in that country. Mr. Harutyunyan wished the guest fruitful work in his new position. The RA CC Press Service Photo 1 IMPERATIVE OF RULE OF LAWOn December 7, G. Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, member of the Bureau of the Venice Commission presented a welcoming speech at the closing ceremony of the joint project "Strengthening the independence, professionalism and accountability of the judiciary in Armenia" of the Commission the European Union and the Council of Europe. He emphasized the importance of the project, which is developed in the framework of a number of draft laws and in the process of their elaboration; beside the local experts a large number of European experts were involved. Mr. Harutyunyan emphasized the urgent problems of the establishment of the rule of law, legal system, indicating that, unfortunately, notions are still very primitive. According to Mr. Harutyunyan, Armenia will succeed if rule of law becomes the basis of social behavior for each citizen and individual, basis of political behavior for the political institutions and basis for the public behavior of the state power. Signifying this principle, Mr. Harutyunyan pointed out it can be achieved by the institutional as well as functional reforms. Assessing the work implementing in the framework of the programme, Mr. Harutyunyan underlined that this is more the haven than an end and there is more to be done. The RA CC Press Service Photo 1 CO-RAPPORTEURS AT THE RA CONSTITUTIONAL COURTOn November 23, G. Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia hosted Alan Meale and Giuseppe Galati, co-rapporteurs of PACE monitoring committee for Armenia. The guests were interested in the possible changes and procedural issues related to the powers of the Constitutional Court of RA following the constitutional reform. They were also interested how the Constitutional Court is going to implement the efficient constitutional review in the case of more expanded authorities. They expressed their willingness to assist Armenia in further legislative reforms. All issues were relevantly clarified. The RA CC Press Service GUESTS AT THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURTOn November 22 G. Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia hosted the group of experts of the European Commission "Democracy through Law" (Venice Commission), composed of Tanja Gervin (Secretariat of the Venice Commission), Jasna Omejis (Member of the Venice Commission), Bogdan Aurescu (substitute member of the Venice Commission). Experts are appointed by the Venice Commission as the speakers for the discussion at the plenary session of the Venice Commission of the RA Constitutional Law "On Human Rights Defender" which will be held on December10. The guests were interested to what extent the law reflects the constitutional provisions and to what extent the legislative guarantees of ensuring the efficient activity of the Human Rights Defender correspond to the constitutional amendments and what changes have occurred after the constitutional amendments for expanding the powers of the Human Rights Defender as a subject of appeal to the Constitutional Court. Guests were provided with detailed explanations on all raised issues. The meeting was attended by Vardan Poghosyan, member of the Constitutional Council by the President of Armenia. The RA CC Press Service GUESTS AT THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURTOn November 15, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia hosted the delegation of “Democracy through Law” of the European Commission (Venice Commission) composed of Mr Richard Barrett (Deputy Director General of the Venice Commission, Ireland), Mr Srdjan Darmanovic (member of the Venice Commission, Montenegro), Simona Granata Menghini (Deputy Secretary of the Venice Commission), Amaya Ubeda de Torres (Secretariat of the Venice Commission), Timo Knaebe (OSCE/ODIHR legal expert), Loretta Vioiu (Deputy head of Yerevan office of Council of Europe). The delegation is preparing the discussion of the RA Law on Parties at the Venice Commission plenary session. During the meeting with Gagik Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia the procedures prescribed by the RA Constitution and Law, which may suspend the activity of parties or ban political parties, as well as other issues related to the decision on constitutionality of the Law on Parties adopted in 2006 were discussed. The RA CC Press Service Photo 1 ЕРЕВАНСКАЯ МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ – ДЕНЬ ВТОРОЙ22 октября Ереванская международная конференция, организованная Конституционным Судом РА и Венецианской комиссией Совета Европы, продолжила свою работу. Во второй день темой Конференции стала “Роль конституционного суда в преодолении пробела в законе и правовой неопределенности”. В первом заседании председательствовал Председатель Конституционного Суда Республики Таджикистан М. Махмудзода. С докладами выступили: Заместитель Председателя Конституционного Суда Португальской Республики Ж. Коперс (тема доклада: “Гарантия Конституции и исполнения решений Конституционного Суда”); судья-секретарь Конституционной палаты Верховного Суда Кыргызской Республики М. Бобукеева (тема доклада:“Роль и значение решений Конституционной палаты в преодолении законодательных пробелов и правовой неопределенности”); член Конституционного Суда Республики Беларусь Т. Воронович (тема доклада: “Роль конституционного правосудия в устранении пробелов и правовой неопределенности в конституционно-правовом регулировании”); судья Конституционного Суда Республики Армения Ф. Тохян (тема доклада: “Роль и значение решений Конституционного Суда в деле преодоления правовых пробелов и правовой неопределенности (опыт КС РА)”). Первое заседание завершилось обменом вопросами и ответами и обсуждением. Во втором заседании председательствовал Председатель Научного совета Венецианской комиссии Совета Европы Ян Хельгесен. С докладами выступили: Председатель Конституционного Суда Республики Таджикистан М. Махмудзода (тема доклада: “Роль и значение решений Конституционного Суда Республики Таджикистан в преодолении законодательных пробелов и правовой неопределенности”); член Конституционного Суда Латвийской Республики Д. Резеевска (тема доклада: “Значение решений Конституционного Суда Латвии в деле восполнения законодательных пробелов”); член Конституционного Суда Республики Словения Я. Зобек (тема доклада: “Концепция неконституционного правового пробела согласно юридической практике Конституционного Суда Словении”); член Конституционного Совета Республики Казахстан В. Малиновский (тема доклада: “Роль Конституционного Совета в обеспечении корректного использования понятийного аппарата Основного Закона Республики Казахстан как главного средства профилактики правовых неопределенностей”). После открытого обсуждения представленных на Конференции докладов были подведены итоги работы Конференции. Для участников Конференции запланирован ряд культурных мероприятий: посещение Мемориала памяти жертв Геноцида армян, монастыря Агарцин, культурно-исторического музея-заповедника “Гарни” и монастыря Гегард. В монастыре Гегарда для гостей был организован концерт духовной музыки. Пресс-служба КС РА ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NEW CENTEROn October 21, a reception on behalf of Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, President of the Republic of Armenia was organized at the Receptions House of the Government of the Republic of Armenia in honor of the Participants of Yerevan International Conference, organized by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, European Commission for Democracy through Law of the Council of Europe (Venice Commission), Conference of the Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of New Democracy, Center of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Armenia (with the support of the Armenian Office of the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ). During the reception, the Solemn Ceremony of Establishment of the Foundation “International Public Analytical Center “Constitutional Culture”” took place. Mr. G. Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia mentioned the necessity of establishing the Center and its main functions. The idea of establishing the Center found a great response and received an offer of cooperation from a number of international analytical centers and individual experts, and it will carry out its functions with a wide involvement of the latter. In particular: - conducting analytical work on issues of constitutional culture, as well as organization of international conferences, scientific and practical discussions; - functional and institutional arrangements in different countries on the implementation of effective systems of diagnostics of constitutionalism and constitutional monitoring; - preparation and publication of opinions about the real situation in connection with the constitutional culture in individual countries; - active cooperation in this field with a number of international and regional organizations; - support for civil society institutions on the issue of establishment and acceleration of constitutional culture, conduct of youth festivals and Olympiads; - publishing the “Constitutional Culture” multilingual journal. (Full version of the Report made by G. Harutyunyan will be available separately). The RA CC Press Service YEREVAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEOn October 21, Yerevan International Conference, organized by the RA Constitutional Court and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, started its work. Organizers of the Conference: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, European Commission for Democracy through Law of the Council of Europe (Venice Commission), Conference of the Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of New Democracy, Center of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Armenia. With the support of the Armenian Office of the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ). Topics of the Conference: 1. “The role and significance of “Rule of Law checklist”, adopted at the 106th Plenary Session of the Venice Commission, in the process of conducting constitutional monitoring”. 2. “The role of Constitutional Court in overcoming legal gaps and legal uncertainty”. Initially, the International Conference was provided to hold in Strasbourg, but it was held in Armenia since it was initiated by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia and the concept was represented by the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia. The composition of the participants of the Conference was quite representative: the issue attracted delegates from thirty countries, as well as the entire administrative board of the Council of Europe. In many countries, where there are many important issues in the aspect of constitutionalism and constitutional crisis, the situation is alarming. Conceptual approaches were put forward to prevent and solve these issues. Concepts of constitutional monitoring were the subject of serious consideration both at the Plenary Session of the Venice Commission and the Scientific Council. Consequently, it was decided to organize an international conference in Yerevan for a serious discussion of this issue. At the Conference, Mr. G. Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia had an Opening Speech. Video addresses were sent from Mr. Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe and Mr. Guido Raimondi, President of the European Court of Human Rights. Welcoming speeches were addressed by: Mr. P. Boillat, Director General at the Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI) of the Council of Europe; Mr. J. Helgesen, Chair of the Scientific Council of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, Professor, University of Oslo; Mr. A. Tatoyan, Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia. On the first day of the session the following topic was put forward: “The role and significance of “Rule of Law Checklist”, adopted at the 106th Plenary Session of the Venice Commission, in the process of conducting constitutional monitoring.” Session 1 was chaired by Mr. P. Boillat, Director General at the Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI) of the Council of Europe. First, Mr. G. Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia made a thematic report titled: “Constitutional Monitoring as Guarantee for overcoming the Deficit of Constitutionalism” (text of the Report made by G. Harutyunyan will be available separately). Reports were made by: Mr. J. Helgesen, Chair of the Scientific Council of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, Professor, University of Oslo (title of report: “The Principle of Rule of Law – and its Practical Implications”); Ms. A. Nussberger, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights in respect of Germany, Section V President (title of report: “Similarities and Differences – the Model of Separation of Powers in the New Constitution of Armenia and in the German Grundgesetz”); Mr. S. Holovaty, Substitute Member of the Venice Commission in respect of Ukraine (title of report: “The Concept of the Rule of Law: Difficulties of its Perception in the Post-Soviet Legal Culture”).
Session 2 was chaired by Mr. G. Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia. Reports were made by: Mr. P. Boillat, Director General at the Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI) of the Council of Europe (title of report: “Realisation of the Rule of Law Concept by the State in its Policy”); Mr. A. Harutyunyan, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights in respect of Armenia (title of report: “The Issues of Constitutionality in the Light of Recent Constitutional Reforms in the Republic of Armenia: the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights”). Joint report by Ms. E. Siitari and Mr. P. Helander, Justices of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland was made by Mr. P. Helander (title of report: “The Role and Place of Systematic Constitutional Monitoring in Enhancement of the System of the Constitutional Control and Overcoming of the Deficit of Constitutionalism”). Afterwards, reports were made by Mr. M. Mits, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights in respect of Latvia (title of report: “The Role of the European Court of Human Rights in Strengthening of Constitutional Jurisprudence – Experience of Latvia”) and Mr. H. Sargsyan, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management at Yerevan State University (title of report: “Approaches of the Instrumentarium Elaboration and Implementation Methods of Constitutional Diagnosis”). Session 2 ended with Q/A session and discussion. After the break the Conference continued its work.
Session 3 was chaired by Ms. Angelika Nussberger, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights in respect of Germany. Reports were made by: Mr. N. Bondar, Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (title of report: “Legal Gaps as a Category of Constitutional-Legal Defectology: the Methodology of Research of the Judicial Practice of Overcoming”); Mr. M. Jelušić, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Croatia (title of report: “Constitutional Monitoring in Overcoming of the Deficit of Constitutionalism”); Mr. R. Spano, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights in respect of Iceland (title of report: “The Principle of Subsidiarity and Constitutional Traditions in the Member States of the Council of Europe”); Ms. S. Vdovichenko, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (title of report: “The Doctrine of Restoration of Force of the Law Norms of Previous Edition in the Activity of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine”). Sessions of the Conference of 21 October ended with Q/A session and discussion. Reception of the Participants of the Conference on behalf of the President of the Republic of Armenia and the Solemn Ceremony of Establishment of the Foundation “International Public Analytical Center “Constitutional Culture”” are scheduled in the evening. On October 22, Yerevan International Conference will continue its work. The RA CC Press Service Photos 1 | 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8 PARTICIPANTS OF THE CONFERENCE GET ACQUAINTED WITH ARMENIAOn October 20, within the framework of the cultural program, participants of Yerevan International Conference, organized by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, visited the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, “Zvartnots” Historical-Cultural Museum, the “Matenadaran” and “Megerian Carpets” Exhibition Hall. The RA CC Press Service October 19, 2016 PHILIPPE BOILLAT AT THE RA CONSTITUTIONAL COURTOn October 19, G. Harutyunyan, President of the RA Constitutional Court hosted Philippe Boillat, Director General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, Council of Europe. Mr. Boillat was invited by the RA Constitutional Court to participate in Yerevan International Conference. Mr. Harutyunyan and Mr. Boillat touched upon the issues of organization of the Conference, establishment of International Analytical Center “Constitutional Culture”, legislative reforms in the Republic of Armenia after constitutional reforms, as well as the activities of the RA Constitutional Court. Mr. Boillat once again affirmed the readiness of the Council of Europe for active promotion in legal reforms in the Republic of Armenia. Arman Tatoyan, RA Human Rights Defender also participated in the meeting. The RA CC Press Service AMERICAN GUESTS AT THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURTOn October 18, Professor Robert Allison and Professor Jack Rakove from the USA were hosted at the RA Constitutional Court. Issues relating to American constitutionality in the framework of 240th anniversary of adoption of the United States Declaration of Independence were the core of the meeting and discussions. Mr. Harutyunyan welcomed the guests, introduced them to the participants of the meeting and expressed gratitude for accepting the invitation. He underlined this meeting as a nice opportunity to appreciate the United States Declaration of Independence adopted in 1776. During active discussions the guests expressed their viewpoints on the Declaration, its role and significance, constitutional developments and American democracy. The RA CC Press Service AMBASSADOR OF GEORGIA IN THE RA CONSTITUTIONAL COURTOn September 15, G. Harutyunyan, the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia hosted Giorgi Saganelidze, the newly appointed Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Georgia to the Republic of Armenia. The visit was cognitive, and G. Harutyunyan congratulated the guest on the occasion of the appointment to the new office and introduced the activities and international relations of the Constitutional Court, which play a significant role in Armenian – Georgia relations, in particular, in the high level of relations with the Constitutional Court of Georgia. Joint conferences and joint visits have been organized with the Georgian colleagues. Mr. Harutyunyan invited the Ambassador to participate in the International Conference in Yerevan in October. The invitation was kindly accepted. Both parties highly appreciated the friendship of the neighboring nations and wished to promote active cooperation for the further improvement of the relations. The RA CC Press Service DELEGATION FROM THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA IN GEORGIAOn 8 September the delegation from the Republic of Armenia will leave for Georgia to participate in the international conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Georgia. The delegation is composed of G. Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court, A. Gyulumyan, Member of the Constitutional Court and A. Vardevanyan, Adviser to the President of the Constitutional Court. At the conference the President of the RA Constitutional Court will present a speech on the topic: “Transtological Peculiarities of Guaranteeing the Supremacy of Constitution.” The RA CC Press Service GUESTS IN THE RA CONSTITUTIONAL COURTOn June 22 G. Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia hosted the representatives of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party led by Sergio Nahapetyan, Chairperson of the Central Department of DLP. The guests were interested in the constitutional developments held in Armenia and in the further development of the relations of Armenia and Diaspora, as well as in formation of the national council. Mr. Harutyunyan clarified some of these issues. The RA CC Press Service THE VISIT OF THE NEWLY APPOINTED AMBASSADOROn June 15, G. Harutyunyan, President of the RA Constitutional Court hosted Timur Urazaev, the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Armenia. Welcoming the guest, Mr. Harutyunyan congratulated him on his appointment and wished fruitful and productive work. He also congratulated the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the occasion of the reappointment of Igor Rogov, President of the Constitutional Council. Issues related to the current and future cooperation between the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia and the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan were discussed. The parties highlighted the importance of cooperation in the framework of bilateral and international organizations, as well as signified the development of the further effective cooperation. The RA CC Press Service Photos 1 | June 10, 2016PAN-EUROPEAN CONFERENCE IN ARMENIAOn June 9, Mr. G. Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court, member of the Bureau of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, participated in the session of the Bureau of the Venice Commission, where the issues of organization of the 107th plenary session of the Commission were discussed. Bureau session was followed by Mr. G. Harutyunyan’s working meeting with Mr. G. Buquicchio, President of the Venice Commission, and Mr. Sh. Durr, Secretary General of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, during which the issues related to the concept of the Pan-European conference, which will be held on October 20-23 in Yerevan, were discussed. On the same day the Scientific Council of the Venice Commission discussed the concept of Pan-European conference presented by Mr. G. Harutyunyan, where the following three issues were proposed to consider: - the role of the Constitutional Court, in addition to overcoming the gap in law and legal uncertainty. - the place and role of the systemic constitutional monitoring in the improvement and overcoming of the constitutional deficiency of the system of constitutional review. - the role and significance of "Rule of Law Checklist" adopted by the Venice Commission at its 106th plenary session in continuous constitutional diagnosing and monitoring. Mr. J. Buquicchio, President of the Venice Commission, Mr. J. Helgesen, President of the Scientific Council and Mr. K. Tuori and Mr. Ch. Grabenwarter, Vice-Presidents of the Venice presented their opinions on these issues. The Scientific Council attached great importance and approved Mr. G. Harutyunyan's initiative to hold Pan-European Conference in Yerevan considering the issues subject to discussion as of great importance for the future development of the European legal system. On June 10, Mr. G. Harutyunyan participated in the 107th plenary session of the Venice Commission. The plenary session of the Venice Commission, elected unanimously Mr. Kaarlo Tuori as the First Vice President of the Venice Commission. At the plenary session of the Commission, Ms. A. Hovhannisyan, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia presented information on the progress and implementation considerations of the experts of the Venice Commission of the adoption of a new Electoral Code. On June 11 the plenary session of the Commission will be continued. The RA CC Press Service April 23, 2016JOINT DISCUSSIONS AT THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT OF AUSTRIAOn April 20-22, joint discussions on three topical issues of constitutional justice were held between the Constitutional Courts of the Republic of Austria and the Republic of Armenia. The presidents of the Constitutional Courts of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Austria made presentations on the issue of "The Role of the Constitutional Court in Ensuring the Fundamental Rights of Direct Action." Alvina Gyulumyan, member of the Constitutional Court the Republic of Armenia and Ingrid Siess-Scherz, member of the Constitutional Court the Republic of Austria made presentations on the issue of "Practice of Case Law of the Constitutional Court Regarding the Rights Guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights”. Arevik Petrosyan, member of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia and professor Georg Lienbacher, member of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Austria made presentations on the issue of “Status of Implementation of Decisions of the Constitutional Court in the Legal Practice”. The two-day discussions were attended by all the members of the Constitutional Court of Austria. Organization of such joint professional discussions in the domain of the constitutional justice is the most effective form of international cooperation and exchange of experience. Austria is the first country which established the constitutional court /in 1920/; it has years of international experience and plays a leading role in this field. Active cooperation between the constitutional courts of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Austria has become conventional and is of significant importance in the terms of development of joint approaches to confront the new challenges of constitutional justice. The RA CC Press Service Photo 1
GUESTS FROM DENMARKOn April 6 G. Harutyunyan, President of the RA Constitutional Court, hosted the delegation led by Ms. Else Øllgaard, Deputy Head of the Country of Origin Information (COI) Unit at Danish Immigration Service. Ms. Henriette Wittchen, Special Legal Adviser and Mr. Kenneth Mahler, Special Legal Adviser entered in the group of delegation. The guests touched upon the issues of human rights protection in our country, peculiarities of examination of the applications submitted by the citizens to the RA Constitutional Court, as well as the opportunities provided by the new constitutional reforms. The RA CC Press Service Photo 1 VISIT OF THE ATTORNIESOn April 6 G. Harutyunyan, President of the RA Constitutional Court hosted the well-known Armenian-American attorney Vartkes Yeghiayan, Head of “Yeghiayan and Associates” law firm and Attorney Mark MacCarley, retired general of the U.S. Army. The topic of conversation was the developments in Artsakh. The RA CC Press Service Photo 1 March 14, 2016 THE INITIATIVE OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA ON CONVENING OF PAN-EUROPEAN CONFERENCE WAS APPROVEDOn 10 March 2016, Mr. Gagik Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, Member of the Bureau of the Venice Commission participated in the session of the Bureau of the Venice Commission, where the issues concerning the agenda and activities of the 106th Plenary Session were discussed. Within the framework of the Venice Commission's 106th Plenary Session of March 11-12, 2016 more than 20 topics, some of which concerned the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland and amendments to the Law on the “Constitutional Court” of the Russian Federation were discussed. The issue on the approval of the report concerning the list of main criteria of the rule of law was highlighted. The Plenary Session of the Venice Commission also referred to the issue of preparatory process of an appropriate conclusion on the draft of the new Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia. Mr. Evgeni Tanchev, member of the Commission informed that the Republic of Armenia requested the opinion of the Venice Commission on the draft of the new Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia. Given that the next session of the Commission will take place in early June 2016, on behalf of the rapporteurs on this issue the Republic of Armenia asked for the permission of the Commission to come up with the preliminary opinion till the plenary session in June 2016, which was highly appreciated by the Commission. The issue on the “Constitutional Monitoring” was also included in the agenda of the 106th Plenary Session of the Commission. Mr. Gagik Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia came up with the report on this issue. Referring to the importance of constitutional monitoring system and presenting the results of the study concluded in his monograph “Constitutional Monitoring” which dealt with the issue of checklists of constitutional monitoring, in particular the worldwide and challenging issue of the rise of corruption, as well as pivotal significance of the constitutional monitoring in the guaranteeing the supremacy of the principle of the rule of law, Mr. Gagik Harutyunyan came up with an initiative to convene a Pan-European Conference dedicated to the constitutional monitoring. Mr. Gagik Harutyunyan also mentioned that on this occasion he had already held meetings and discussions with Mr. Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr. Raymondi, President of the European Court of Human Rights, Mr. Buquicchio, President of the Venice Commission, who also emphasized the importance of organizing such an event. Referring to the proposal of Mr. Harutyunyan and highlighting the importance of this initiative, Mr. Grabenwarter, Member of the Venice Commission supported the idea of organization of Pan–European conference dedicated to the constitutional monitoring and signified the approaches to the mentioned issue in the framework of the Venice Commission. Taking into account the list of the checklists on the rule of law, the Venice Commission made a proposal to Mr. Harutyunyan to prepare conceptual approaches on the organization of the event, to suggest the format, the venue and the date, and to present the latter at the June session of the Commission. On 12 March 2016, the Plenary Session of the Venice Commission was followed by the Bureau Session of the World Conference of the Constitutional Justice. A number of issues relating to the further activity of the World Conference were also included in the agenda such as financing, clarification of working methods of the Organization, establishment of closer cooperation between the participants as well as possible ways and means to make the work of regional and linguistic groups more efficient within the period between the Congresses. During the Bureau Session, the topic on the preparatory work of the World Conference on the constitutional justice to be held in Vilnius in September 2017 was also discussed. The regional and linguistic groups of constitutional justice participating in the World Conference informed on their activities. The RA CC Press Service February 1, 2016 MEETINGS AT THE COUNCIL OF EUROPEOn January 24, 2016, at the invitation of the President of the European Court of Human Rights, the delegation led by Mr. Gagik Harutyunyan, President of the RA Constitutional Court, member of the Bureau of Council of Europe (Venice Commission) participated in Strasbourg at the opening ceremony of 2016 judicial year of the European Court of Human Rights and held a number of official meetings. On January 26, G. Harutyunyan held a working meeting with Mr. Guido Raimondi, President of the European Court of Human Rights. The meeting was also attended by Mr. G. Kostanyan, the RA Prosecutor General, representative of the Government of the Republic of Armenia at the ECHR; Mr. A. Harutyunyan, elected as Armenia's Judge to European Court of Human Rights; Ms. A. Gyulumyan, member of the RA Constitutional Court, former judge at the ECHR, and other officials. During the meeting, a number of issues on enhancement and intensification of further cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and the European Court of Human Rights were discussed. Mr. Harutyunyan congratulated Mr. Raimondi on the occasion of being elected as the President of the ECHR, wished him successful implementation of the undertaken commitments and invited on an official visit to Armenia, as well as participate in the annual international conference on the issues of constitutional justice which will be held on October 21-22, 2016. On January 28, Mr. G. Harutyunyan held a meeting with Mr. G. Buquicchio, President of the Venice Commission. The meeting was also attended by Mr. A. Papikyan, representative of the Republic of Armenia to the Council of Europe, Mr. T. Markert, Secretary of the Venice Commission and Ms. S. Granata-Menghini, Deputy Secretary of the Venice Commission. During the meeting, the parties touched upon the role of constitutional monitoring in guaranteeing the rule of law and implementation of possible steps in that direction. In particular, Mr. G. Harutyunyan made a proposal to organize a pan-European conference on the issues of constitutional monitoring. On the morning of January 29, Mr. G. Harutyunyan had a meeting with Mr. T. Jagland, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. The meeting was also attended by Mr. A. Papikyan, representative of the Republic of Armenia to the Council of Europe, Mr. G. Kostanyan, the RA Prosecutor General, representative of the Government of the Republic of Armenia at the ECHR and other EU officials. During the meeting the sides touched upon the possible ways and means of cooperation with other institutions of the Council of Europe in strengthening the rule of law. Within the framework of the official opening of the judicial year, Mr. Harutyunyan had private discussions with Mr. A. Sajó, Vice-President of the ECHR, Ms. A. Nussberger, ECHR Section President, Mr. E. Kuris and Mr. P. Pinto de Albuquerque, ECHR Judges. The delegation from the Republic of Armenia participated in the seminar dedicated to the opening of the judicial year of the ECHR, titled "International and national courts in the fight against human rights violations: Genocide, crime against humanity, war crimes." The RA CC Press Service |