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November 26, 2010
On November 26 the President of the Constitutional Court of Armenia G. Harutyunyan received the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Armenia Vyacheslav Kovalenko.
The conversation was around the current development of the constitutional justice in the Republic of Armenia, the cooperation between the Constitutional Courts of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia, as well as the Armenian-Russian relations. The programs were outlined for the further cooperation.
Advisor to the Ambassador of the Russian Federation A. Minzhurenko and Head of Staff of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia A. Hakobyan participated at this meeting.
CC Press service
Photo 1
November 16, 2010
"Constitutional Justice"
Bulletin of the Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of the States of New Democracy.
NN 2(48) 2010, 3(49) 2010
(in Russian, in English)
November 12, 2010
Contemporary Imperatives in Ensuring the Individual Right to Constitutional Justice.
Presentation of the RA Constitutional Court President Mr. G. Harutyunyan at the 15th Yerevan International Conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, 21-23 October, 2010.
(in Armenian, Russian, French) |
November 09, 2010
Peculiarities of functioning of the constitutional courts in the conditions of public transformation.
Report of the RA Constitutional Court President Mr. G. Harutyunyan at the International Scientific Conference in Dushanbe on 4 November, 2010.
(in Russian) |
October 22, 2010
On October 22 the XV Yerevan International Conference on Safeguarding and protection of human constitutional rights in the practice of constitutional justice, taking into account the legal positions of the European Court of Human Rights started.
The organizers of the Conference were the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, the European Court of Human Rights, the European Commission For Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission of the Council of Europe), the Conference of constitutional control organs of the countries of young democracy with participation of International Association of Constitutional Law and with support of German Technical Cooperation (GTZ).
This year traditionally organized annual Conference was dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.
The RA President of the Constitutional Court Mr. Gagik Harutyunyan and the President of the Venice Commission Mr. Gianni Buquicchio had opening speeches.
Mr. Harutyunyan in his opening speech has emphasized the importance of the choice of the topic of the Conference and the necessity of the future development of the institute of individual applications before the Constitutional Court. He found symbolizing the participation of tree judges of the European Court of Human Rights to the Conference, highlighted the attitude of the Venice Commission that a year ago at its Plenary Meeting has initiated the preparation of comprehensive discussion of the issue, aiming to identify the main trends of European developments and clarify the basic criteria of reforms in this sphere. Mr. Harutyunyan expressed confidence that the XV Conference would be a great contribution to realization of the further active steps toward ensuring the effective guarantees for exercising the human right to constitutional justice.
Mr. Didier Maus, President of the International Association of Constitutional Law and Mr. Hans-Jochen Schmidt, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Armenia had greeting speeches.
At the first session of the Conference on Interaction of European Court of Human Rights and national systems of constitutional justice in safeguarding and protection of Human Rights the Judges of the European Court of Human Rights Ms. Ann Power, Mr. David Thor Bjorgvinsson and Ms. Alvina Gyulumyan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Mr. Valeri Zorkin, Associate Justice of the State Council of the Hellenic Republic Mr. Vassilis Androulakis, President of the Constitutional Court of Moldova Mr. Dumitru Pulbere, Member of the Constitutional Court of Georgia Ms. Lali Papiashvili, Vice President of the Constitutional Court of Luxembourg Mr. George Ravarani and Judge of the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria Ms. Stefka Stoeva made presentations.
The first session was ended by the key discussions of the presentations and by the questions and answers.
The topic of the second session of the Conference was the following Peculiarities of functioning and problems of improvement of capability of institution of an individual complaint. The presentations were made by the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Gagik Harutyunyan, President of the International Association of Constitutional Law Mr. Didier Maus, Secretary General of the Constitutional Court of the FYR of Macedonia Ms. Milica Nikolavska, and Justice of the Constitutional Court of Latvia Mrs. Aija Branta.
The discussion of the topic was continued by the questions and answers.
On October 23 the XV Yerevan International Conference will be continued. The topics of the two sessions are the following: Procedural aspects of improvement of the system of an individual constitutional complaint and Peculiarities and problems of implementation of constitutional court decisions adopted on the basis of an individual constitutional complaint.
The results of the Conference will be summarized by the President of the IACL Mr. Didier Maus and the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Gagik Harutyunyan.
CC Press service
Photos 1 | 2
On October 21 the President of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Mr. Valeri Zorkin, who was in Armenia with the official visit, had a meeting with the RA Constitutional Court members, representatives of the Court of Cassation, Court of Appeal and Administrative Court at the RA Constitutional Court.
G. Harutyunyan and V. Zorkin gave the importance to the positive effect of the close cooperation of two courts, as well as the activity toward the exchange of experience and information. Mr. Zorkin kindly answered the questions on the activity of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
CC Press service
Photos 1 | 2 |
October 11, 2010
Separation of Powers and Independence of Constitutional Courts
in Conditions of Societal Transformation.
Communication of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court
of the Republic of Armenia, Bureau Member of the World Conference, Professor
Mr. G. Harutyunyan at the 2nd Congress of the
World Conference on Constitutional Justice.
(Rio de Janeiro, January 16-18, 2011)
(in Russian) |
October 8, 2010
On October 8 the 7th seminar on "Principal Provisions of German Doctrine of Fundamental Rights" took place at the RA Constitutional Court. The program Consultation for legal and judicial reforms in the South Caucasus (GTZ Program) and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia organized this seminar for the members and staff of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia.
The RA Constitutional Court President Mr. G. Harutyunyan, Head of the Program Mr. Vardan Poghosyan, and Head of the Chair of State and Administrative Law of Cologne University, Doctor, Professor Mr. Michael Sachs made greeting speeches.
The seminar sessions were chaired by the RA Constitutional Court President Mr. G. Harutyunyan, the key reporter of the seminar was Mr. Michael Sachs.
Why is the discussion of this topic important nowadays? If at the similar previous seminars the activity and experience of the German Federal Constitutional Court were presented in comparison with our legal system, this seminar's topic is directly concerned to the cases considered and to be considered at the RA Constitutional Court on the legal disputes based on the individual complaints.
Focusing on this aspect, Mr. G. Harutyunyan in his greeting speech gave importance to the role of this seminar, presence of the key reporter Mr. M. Sachs, who carries authority among lawyers and constitutionalists, confirmed the expectations that a range of important questions would find their exhaustive answers at this seminar. Especially, how to understand the direct action of constitutional rights, what is the state limited by these rights, as an immediately acting right, how they are comprehended and exercised in the judicial practice, what kind of attitude should the Constitutional Court express to the comments to those rights, in these circumstances which is the differentiated attitude to fundamental and other subjective rights, whether they have the same guarantees of constitutional protection, which is the role of these nuances in the practice of constitutional justice, etc.
Such other questions found their exhaustive answers in the key report of the seminar through discussions, comparison of two countries' experience, which was expected from the seminar. Professor M. Sachs' key report was previously translated into Armenian and distributed among the seminar participants, which promoted to more active and effective discussions.
Professor M. Sachs highly evaluated interesting and useful historical reference to the process of formation of the Armenian doctrine that Mr. Harutyunyan made.
The RA Constitutional Court President Mr. G. Harutyunyan, summarizing the results of the seminar, expressed his appreciation to Mr. M. Sachs for the participation and very interesting and useful report, as well as to the administration of the Program Consultation for legal and judicial reforms in the South Caucasus, and mentioned that through organization of such activities the cooperation with the Program would be continued.
CC Press service
Photos 1 | 2 |
September 23, 2010
On September 23 the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, Coordinating President of the Board of Pan-Armenian Conference of Lawyers Mr. G. Harutyunyan received the delegation of the Board of Armenian Bar Association in the USA, that is the Chair of the Association Edvin Minassian, Vice-President of the Association Karo Ghazarian, Judge Zaven Sinanyan and Lawyer Armen Hovhannisyan. It should be noted that the Board of Pan-Armenian Conference of Lawyers was established during the First Pan-Armenian Forum on "Armenian legal thought and the challenges of the 21st Century", which was held on 19-20 September, 2009 in Yerevan. The Board is composed of 13 members from Armenia, 3 - from Nagorno-Karabakh, 27 - from the Diaspora.
Mr. G. Harutyunyan has got acquainted the guests with the reforms of the legal system of the Republic of Armenia and introduced the further programmatic approaches for cooperation between the Pan-Armenian Conference of Lawyers and American Bar Association. Besides, they discussed issues on the joint organization of the International Conference to be held in April 2011 in Stepanakert.
CC Press service
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September 16, 2010
On September 16, 2010 the event dedicated to 10th anniversary of the foundation of the Magazine Law and reality with the participation of Editorial council and staff of the Magazine took place at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia.
The President of the RA Constitutional Court, member of the Editorial Council Mr. Gagik Harutyunyan suggested to honor the memory of the founder of the Magazine Mr. Tatul Badasyan by a minute of silence. In his opening speech Mr. Harutyunyan gave importance to the formation of the Magazine which filled the gap in the legal informational scope; the Magazine could periodically realize an active exchange of ideas on the most urgent legal problems. For 10 years 178 numbers of Magazine have been published in which famous lawyers, as well as the young scientists, who have chosen the jurisprudence as a profession and for whom the bulletin has become a serious professional smithy, made presentations. Mr. Harutyunyan highly appreciated the work done by the editorial staff, and suggested a few directions of activity for future, especially to organize a discussion club, where approaches, opinions, and concepts of professionals, resulted in active discussions, will be placed and easily accessed by the public.
The work done by the Magazine and Law Publishing house was presented by Viktoria Baraqatyan, Editor of Law Publishing house.
Mr. Rademik Avetisyan, the editor-in-chief of the Magazine, the members of the Editorial Council had also speeches.
CC Press service
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September 8, 2010
On September 8, 2010, the President of the RA Constitutional Court Mr. G. Harutyunyan had a meeting at the Constitutional Court with a group of members of the Scientific Analytical Center of the RA Chamber of Advocates to which the President of the RA Chamber of Advocates Mr. R. Sahakyan also participated. During the meeting numerous issues were discussed, especially concerning presentation of individual applications before the Constitutional Court, their justification, process of the implementation of the Court decisions, judicial reforms, cooperation of different institutions, increase of access and quality of justice, as well as the future effective use of the possibilities of the Scientific Analytical Center and the RA Chamber of Advocates in the process of the realization of legislative policy.
It was agreed to give an opportunity to the Scientific Analytical Center of RA Chamber of Advocates to present approaches on the cases examined at the Constitutional Court.
The both parties gave the importance to such meetings and their effectiveness, so it was decided to organize such meetings in future.
From the Scientific Analytical Center A. Zohrabyan, G. Gyozalyan, A. Zeinalyan, V. Grigoryan, L. Grigoryan, I. Pilosyan, and from the Constitutional Court L. Hakobyan, V. Vardanyan and A. Dilanyan took part at the meeting.
CC Press service
Photo 1 |
September 8, 2010
G. Harutyunyan. Strain Constitutionalism in Eurasia (interview)// Eurasian Juridical journal, 7 (26) 2010, - P. 5-9.
(in Russian) |
September 6, 2010
On September 6, 2010, the President of the RA Constitutional Court Mr. Gagik Harutyunyan received the UN working group on arbitrary detention headed by Mr. El Hadji Malick Sou.
The conversation was about the Armenian judicial system, its reforms, as well as the RA Constitutional Court, its correlation with the activity of lawyers, and, in general, the issues of future development of the general judicial system of Armenia. CC Press service
Photos 1 | 2 |
September 1, 2010
Presentation of the RA Constitutional Court President Mr. G. Harutyunyan at the International Scientific Conference in Astana on 27 August 2010 on the following subject "Constitution basis of the democratic development of the state".
(in Russian)
Photos 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
August 25, 2010
On August 25, by the invitation of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the President of the RA Constitutional Court Mr. Gagik Harutyunyan left for Astana.
On the solemn ceremony, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Harutyunyan will have a greeting speech as the President of the Conference of organs of constitutional control of the countries of young democracy.
On August 27-28 an international conference takes place in Astana, where the President of the RA Constitutional Court is going to make a presentation on the main issues of constitutional developments in the post-soviet region.
During the visit Mr. Harutyunyan is going to have working meetings with the President and members of the Constitutional Council of Kazakhstan, as well as with the colleagues from other countries. CC Press service |
August 23, 2010
On August 23 a reception dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Armenias Declaration of Independence was organized at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia.
Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Armen Gevorgyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Edvard Nalbandyan, Minister of Emergency Situations Mr. Armen Eritzyan and other officials, as well as Parliament Members, lawyers, academicians were present at the reception.
The RA Constitutional Court President Mr. G. Harutyunyan made a presentation on the statehood essence of the Declaration (the text of the presentation is placed on the web site of the Constitutional Court).
CC Press service
Photos 1 | 2
The RA Constitutional Court President Mr. G. Harutyunyan made a presentation on the statehood essence of the Declaration.
(in Armenian) |

August 9, 2010
Reception on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Armenias Declaration of Independence
On August 23 at 12.30 a reception on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Armenias Declaration of Independence is held in the hall of the RA Constitutional Court, after Shahamiryans. The RA Constitutional Court President Mr. G. Harutyunyan is going to make a presentation on the statehood essence of the Declaration.
CC Press service |
July 20, 2010

July 15, 2010
"Constitutional Justice"
Bulletin of the Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of the States of New Democracy.
N 1(47) 2010
(in Russian, in English)
July 14, 2010
On July 14 the President of the RA Constitutional Court Mr. G. Harutyunyan received the State Regulator and Ombudsman of Israel Mr. Mikha Lindenshtraus
On July 14 the President of the RA Constitutional Court Mr. G. Harutyunyan received the State Regulator and Ombudsman of Israel Mr. Mikha Lindenshtraus.
Mr. Harutyunyan introduced the guest the the activity of the Constitutional Court and clarified the involvement of the Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia as an applicant, as well as the consideration of applications submitted by the later as result of constitutional amendments. The President has greeted the close cooperation between the Human Rights Defenders of two countries.
Mikha Lindenshtraus, in his turn, introduced the activity of his structure and mentioned that the aim of his visit to Armenia is the will to strengthen the relations between two countries.
The RA Human Rights Defender Armen Harutyunyan also participated at this meeting. Press Service of the CC Photo 1 |
July 14, 2010
Official Visit
On July 14 the delegation of the Republic of Armenia, headed by the RA Constitutional Court G. Harutyunyan, on invitation of the President of the Constitutional Court of Serbia, made an official visit to Belgrade. From 15 to 18 July the delegation will be hosted by the President of the Constitutional Court and have meetings with the judges and the Staff of the Constitutional Court, the President of the Administrative and Legislative Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic and the Ombudsman of the Republic of Serbia.
At the end of visit a Press Conference of the Presidents of the Constitutional Courts of two countries will be held.
Press Service of the CC |
July 9, 2010
On July 9 the RA President of the Constitutional Court Mr. G. Harutyunyan received the members of the International Group "Youth Republic" at the latest request. Boys and girls aged 18-25 of six countries (Sweden, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia) are gathered in Armenia for 10 days to create a model of their virtual state, the political, military, economic and legal system of which will be chosen by the participants on democratic basis. The project is realised within the framework of the program of the European Commission "Youth in Action".
For creation of their unique model, they need to get acquainted with current work of the state structures of different countries (in this case in the Republic of Armenia). Here is the opportunity that they have requested to meet with the President of the Constitutional Court.
Mr. G. Harutyunyan greeted the initiative and expressed hope that it will promote to youth rapprochement and cooperation, as well as increase their civic consciousness and activity. He introduced in detail the structure, activities and international relations of the Constitutional Court. Afterwards through the questions and answers they discussed modern trends of international developments of constitutional justice. Press Service of the CC Photos 1 | 2 |
July 6, 2010
On the 15th Anniversary of the RA Constitution.
G. Harutyunyan's speech at the Ceremonial Meeting dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the RA Constitution, Yerevan, 03.07.2010.
(in Armenian)
July 2, 2010
Constitution of the Republic of Armenia (in Armenian, in Russian, in English)
Yerevan, Iravunk publishing house, 2010, 260p., pdf, 0.8 mb.
June 17, 2010
Encyclopedia of Constitutional Law
On 16 June at 16.00 in the framework of activities dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the RA Constitution the presentation of the Collection Commentaries to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia took place at the Medieval Wall Paintings hall of the National Gallery of Armenia.
The RA President Mr. Serge Sargsyan, the Prime-Minister Mr. Tigran Sargsyan, MPs, Ministers, Ambassadors, co-authors and numerous guests were presented in the event.
The Editor of the Collection, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia Mr. G. Harutyunyan in his brief speech qualified the Collection as the quintessence of constitutional-scientific thought. The Collection is the result of collective work of 68 authors, and the scientific-practical commentaries to the RA Constitution presented in it reveal constitutional legal essence of fundamental values of the Basic Law of the country, goals and principals, regulation essence and juridical significance. These theoretical, scientific commentaries are correlated with legal positions, judicial practice and normative acts of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia. Each of the authors worked at the concrete article or any part or any provision of the concrete article. In the commentaries on each provision of the Constitution there are also the answers to many additional questions, for example, how have the provisions set forth by the Constitution been perceived, how have the provisions been implemented by the legislation in the reality, how the international constitutional legal practice refers to that issue.
Mr. G. Harutyunyan presented the first copy of the collection signed by all authors, as well as CD copy of the Collection to the President of the Republic of Armenia.
Head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan, Ambassador Sergey Kapinos, Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Mr. Hans-Jochen Schmidt expressed the gratitude in their speeches made at the presentation of the Collection.
The electronic version of the 1086-page scientific-practical Collection of the Commentaries to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia is already posted on the official web-site of the Constitutional Court: http://www.concourt.am/armenian/library/cclibrary/2010/sahmanadrakan2010.pdf Press Service of the CC Photos 1 | 2 |
June 17, 2010
On June 17 President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia received UN reporter on Human Rights Defender situation in the country Mrs. Margaret Sekagyan, who had a mission to prepare the report.
They have spoken of democracy process, judicial-legal reforms, and issues regarding human rights protection in the Republic of Armenia.
Press Service of the CC Photo 1 |
June 16, 2010
Commentaries to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.
Edited by G. Harutyunyan, A. Vagharshyan,
Yerevan, Iravunk publishing house, 2010, in Armenian, pdf, 9 mb.
June 15, 2010
On 15th June the RA Constitutional Court having examined in a public hearing by a written procedure the case applied by the citizen Arusyak Atanesyan concerning the determination of the issue regarding the conformity of Article 221, Part 2, Point 3 of the Labour Code of the Republic of Armenia and Article 221, Part 1, Point 1 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia with the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, pursuant to Article 100, Point 1, Article 102 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, Articles 63, 64 and 69 of the RA Law on the Constitutional Court DECIDED:
1. To declare the phrase as well as the manifestation of arbitrariness in Article 221, Part 2, Point 3 of the RA Labour Code contradicting to the requirements of the Articles 1, 3 and 14.1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and void.
2. To declare the phrase or is not grounded in Article 221, Part 1, Point 1 of the RA Civil Criminal Code contradicting to the requirements of Articles 18 (Part 1), 19 (Part 1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and void.
3. To declare Article 240, Part1, Point 1 of the RA Civil Criminal Code ungrounded and Point 6 is not grounded contradicting to the requirements of Articles 18 (Part 1), 19 (Part 1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and void on the basis of Article 68, Part 9 of RA Law on The Constitutional Court.
4. Pursuant to Article 102, Point 2, of the RA Constitution this decision shall be final, not subject to review, and shall enter into effect upon publication. Press Service of the CC |
June 8, 2010
Some Deformations of the Constitutional-Legal Development of the Post-Soviet States.
G. Harutyunyan's Report at the international scientific conference held on 28 May 2010 in St. Petersburg "The General and Singular in the Modern Economic and Constitutional-Legal Development of the Post-Soviet States", in Russian. |
May 31, 2010
The sixth seminar on Direct action of the Constitution in the field of constitutional and constitutional procedural law organised in cooperation with program Consultation for legal and judicial reforms in the South Caucasus the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia has finished.
During two-day seminar 6 reports of Judge of the Republic of German Federation, key-reporter Mr. Bartone were made and discussed and the numerous questions given to the key-reporter received comprehensive answers.
Its a great pleasure and honor, - said the key-reporter Mr. R. Bartone at the closing of the seminar, - to be at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia and to speak before such audience. Simultaneously, these discussions are instructive for me, too. I will be very happy if my thoughts and ideas expressed during this activity are useful for the participants in their further work-experience.
The program consultant of Consultation for legal and judicial reforms in the South Caucasus Mr. G. Muradyan, in its turn, noted:
- Such seminars imply the mutual enrichment of knowledge. In the name of the program, I can guarantee that the seminars will be continued and a very important three-day seminar dedicated to the doctrine of human rights theory will be held in October and the speaker will be the outstanding constitutionalist of Germany Mr. Saks.
Press Service of the CC |
May 26, 2010
On May 26 the sixth seminar, organised in cooperation with the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia and program Consultation for legal and judicial reforms in the South Caucasus, took place at the RA Constitutional Court. During two-day seminar following topics, headed under the general title Direct action of the Constitutionhad been put for discussion: Direct action of the Constitution in the Armenian law, Direct action of constitutional norms in German law, Comparison of norms of the Basic Law of Germany and the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia with combination of direct action, Implementation of legal norm with the view of legal methodical doctrine, Interpretation of legal norm in the light of fundamental rights.
Seminars are basically organised for the staff of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, but they are open and advocates, politicians and citizens are participating to it. These seminars are very important to raise the legal consciousness of the participants.
In Germany, due to the legislative solutions and the law-enforcement practice, a system of constitutional justice has been established, where as theoretical legal thinking, as well as legislative solutions and law-enforcement practice are in such level of development, that it can be considered as the classic system with its internal integrity, effectiveness of activity, establishment of constitutionality in the country.
Testifying such successes of Germans, in his greeting speech RA Constitutional Court President Mr. G. Harutyunyan gave importance to such cooperation, which is aimed to deeply study the German experience, to compare it with our system, to find further effective ways for its development in our country. They concern to the constitutional and legislative further amendments and the practice of constitutional justice.
Choosing as the main topic of the 6th seminar the fundamental problems of direct action of constitutional norms, it was expected by the comparison of the discussions, jointly gained experiences to make clarifications, to find out how the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia could guarantee direct action of constitutional norms and the human rights as direct-acting rights through its legal positions and further possible reforms.
Through the organization of such seminars, - said Mr. G. Harutyunyan, - we try to achieve such system results in the sphere of constitutional justice that exist in the German Federation. All our contacts, not only with Germans, but also with our colleagues from different countries, are bringing to a conclusion that this system could act more effectively if the necessary prerequisites are created for the system solutions.
The program consultant Mr. Grigor Muradyan and the Judge of the Republic of German Federation Mr. Roberto Bartone made opening speeches at the seminar.
Reports and discussion on the above-mentioned topics were made during the seminar. The key-reporter was Mr. Roberto Bartone. Press Service of the CC
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May 21, 2010
Dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia
In the framework of the events dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia along with 7th Republican Students and Pupils Olympiad ''Constitution and Law'' the republican competition of pupil compositions, titled The basic law of my country was held. The both events were organized by the Constitutional Court in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science. Together with closing the Olympiad the results of the republican competition of pupil compositions were summarized. On May 22, 2010 fifteen winners from Yerevan and marzes were invited to the Constitutional Court to get awards and Diplomas specified by the Constitutional Court and Ministry of Education and Science. At the hall after Shahamir and Hakob Shahamiryans the Constitutional Court members, President of the Armenian Bar Association Mr. Gagik Ghazinyan, Chairman of the Control Chamber of the National Assembly Mr. Ishkhan Zakaryan and sponsor of the Olympiad, Armenian national benefactor Albert Boyajian.
The CC President Mr. Gagik Harutyunyan welcomed the winners who, in his opinion, have an interesting constitutional thinking, for whom the constitutional culture is essentially formed and who have abilities in this direction. In their compositions there are sincere, interesting ideas, which may be instructive for not only their contemporaries, but also for wide public. That is why the Center of Constitutional Law has decided to publish a separate Brochure titled 15-year-olds about 15-year-old Constitution, which will consist of the compositions recognized the best in the competition.
- It is very interesting how the pupils who are of the same age with the Constitution imagine the Constitution, - said Mr. Harutyunyan presenting the pupils, - one of them connects it with freely living, the other one thinks that the Constitution is the culture and it is not possible to live without it, in the thirds opinion not knowing the Constitution causes many problems nowadays... They are bringing the examples from the Trap of grandeur of Shamairyans, Code of law of Gosh and other historical sources. It is an evidence of the serious approach and preparedness of the pupils while writing compositions, of how they try to give meaning to the essence of free living by guaranteeing the rule of law. They are not only emotional outbursts of children, but comprehensive formulations, and it is very pleasant that the new generation has such a healthy thinking.
Giving the importance to such events (Republican Students and Pupils Olympiad ''Constitution and Law'', Republican competition of pupil compositions on The basic law of my country) organized in the framework of events dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the RA Constitution, Mr. G. Harutyunyan added We try to present, to interpret, to make more available constitutional values for the new generation, to show them the ways of free living, of protecting their rights, to help them express their creative abilities more completely and to implement them.
Before giving the awards, President briefly presented to the audience the most interesting ideas from the compositions, made some citations mentioning with great pleasure the mature thinking and logic of pupils.
The winners of the Republican competition of pupil compositions, titled The basic law of my country were rewarded with Diplomas of the Constitutional Court and Ministry of Education and Science.
The prizes were awarded to:
Liana Marikyan (School 24 of Vanadzor city, 11th class), Mery Margaryan (School of Jajur of Shirak marz, 9th class), Mariam Loretsyan (School 4 of Vanadzor city, 11th class), Ashot Nersisyan (School 89 after Daniel Varuzhan of Yerevan city, 10th class), Roza Terteryan (School 38 of Yerevan, 10th class), Astghik Titanyan (School 1 of Odzun of Lori marz, 11th class), Vahe Zargaryan (School 2 of Odzun of Lori marz, 10th class), Ashkhen Terteryan (School 9 of Echmidzin of Armavir marz, 9th class), Amalya Karapetyan (School after M. Mashtots of Oshakan of Aragatsotn marz), Hrachya Hovhannisyan (School of Vahramaberd of Shirak marz), Roza Meliksetyan (School after M. Mashtots, Aragatoztn marz, 9th class), Ruzanna Avetisyan (School 14 of Hrazdan of Kotayk marz, 11th class), Vardan Karapetyan ( School of Azatavan of Ararat marz, 11th class), Arpine Ghazaryan (School 7 after M. Mashtots of Sevan city of Gegharkunik marz, 9th class), and Maria Azatyan (School 11 of Kapan city of Syunik marz, 9th class).
Mr. Albert Boyajian who was in Armenia on the occasion of the annual meeting of Board of Trustees of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund, participated to the award ceremony of the Republican competition. American-Armenian benefactor who always sponsored the Students and Pupils Olympiads ''Constitution and Law'' was rewarded with the Letter of Thanks for support to the organization of 7th Republican Students and Pupils Olympiad ''Constitution and Law'' dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, as well as for the care with respect to pupils and students. Mr. G. Harutyunyan giving the prize expressed his gratefulness to Mr. Boyajian for the scrupulous attitude towards the homeland.
Mr. A. Boyajian said the words of thanks assuring that he will contribute to such kind of events in future in all possible ways.
After the award ceremony Mr. Harutyunyan hold the open lesson on The Constitution of my country. The importance of the open lesson was that the pupils got the possibility to add all the necessary to their thinking which will help them to gain the more fundamental knowledge. Press Service of the CC
Photos 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
May 13, 2010
On May 12 the solemn closing of the 7th Republican Students' and Pupils' Olympiad Constitution and Law, dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, took place at Lyceum after A. Shirakatsi.
Let us remind you that the organizers of the annual Olympiad were the Constitutional Court and the Ministry of Education and Science with support of the Center of Constitutional Law, Bar Association of the Republic of Armenia, Lyceum after A. Shirakatsi and Mr. Albert Boyajian, member of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Board of Trustees (USA).
7 trials of virtual constitutional courts took place between the participants of Olympiad during 2 days of competition. It was an unique proceeding of pupil and student teams, through which their legal knowledge, particularly concerning the articles of the RA Constitution, RA laws, analytical abilities were revealed.
It was difficult for the jury to choose three winners of competition from 14 pupil and 7 student teams, as the level of general knowledge and activity of the participants were very high. The Olympiad had success as there uncompromising struggle, struggle of revelation of knowledge and demonstrating of analytical abilities were going on. The member of the RA Constitutional Court and Chairman of Jury Mr. Hrant Nazaryan, having taken into account this fact while summarising of the competition results, said: The Olympiad was going on a hard struggle, in descriptive words, in the atmosphere of uncompromising competition. All are the winners, but anyway, according to the competition rules we have to choose the best ones among the good ones.
Expressing his gratitude to the organizers and participants of the Olympiad, Mr. H. Nazaryan has announced the list of winning teams, giving a pleasant duty of awarding the prizes to the organizers and the heads of organizations, who established special prizes.
The President of the RA Constitutional Court and honorary member of the Organisational Committee of Olympiad Mr. G. Harutyunyan awarded the prizes to the best student and pupil teams having played relevantly as court, applicant and respondent, who occupied the first place. Mr. G.Harutyunyan expressed his gladness to the pupils and students (some of them are also his students at the Yerevan State University) for such activity and informed that special certificates of participation would be given to all participants of the Olympiad.
Last years experience has shown, - added Mr. Harutyunyan, that in the result of the entrance exams to higher education institutions in case of the matriculants had got equal grades, a positive outlet have been provided for those, who had got winner certificates of the Republican Students' and Pupils' Olympiad Constitution and Law.
Mr. Harutyunyan awarded the prizes to the student team No 2 of the Yerevan State University acting as a court, pupil team No 1 of Yerevan acting as a applicant, pupil team from Syunik marz acting as a respondent, which gained the first place. Special diplomas and bonus prizes were foreseen for the winners.
Rewarding the student team No 2 of the Yerevan State University with special prize of the RA Constitutional Court, Mr. G. Harutyunyan addressed to the students: We try to see our future in you, to see which virtual court will become the real constitutional court. In the folders given to students there were the materials that will serve as a guideline throughout their life: there were the CD of the Constitutions of 146 countries of the world, the monograph Constitutional Culture: The lessons of History and the challenges of time, with author's autograph and International Almanac Constitutional Justice in the new millennium published in four languages.
The Deputy Minister of Education Mr. Manuk Mkrtchyan handed over the diplomas to the participants of the competition, who gained the 2nd place: as a applicant pupil teams of Shirak marz, as a respondent - pupil team of Gegharkunik marz and as a court student team of the Artsakh State University.
The 3rd place in the competition gained: as a virtual court student team of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, as a applicant the pupil of the high school No. 1 of Hrazdan (Kotayk marz), as a respondent - student team of Lyceum Anania Shirakatsi. President of Bar Association of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Gagik Ghazinyan rewarded winners with the prizes.
The student of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University Anna Hovhannisyan was honoured with Henrik Khachatryan's award (former member of the Constitutional Court, the former Prosecutor General of the Republic of Armenia).
RA Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Armen Harutyunyan awarded a special prize for Human Rights knowledge to the student team of the Yerevan State Management Academy.
The pupil team from High School No. 15 of Stepanakert was recognized as the best team manifested high knowledge of laws and was honored with the special award established by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Armenia.
The founder of the Republican Students' and Pupils' Olympiad Constitution and Law Mr. G. Harutyunyan having summarised the results of the 7th Olympiad, expressed hope that the tradition will be continued in the schools of all regions of the Republic and Artsakh through preliminary round and final competition. He gave importance to the Olympiad, which provides a platform for new thinking, the best opportunity to demonstrate the human qualities.
The ceremony was finished by the literary-artistic performance presented by the pupils of Lyceum. Press Service of the CC
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May 11, 2010
First Day
The activities dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the RA Constitution are going on. The solemn opening of the final round of 7th Republican Students' and Pupils' Olympiad ''Constitution and Law'' took place at lyceum after Ananiya Shirakatsi.
Literary and musical performance was presented by the pupils of the lyceum: Law, Freedom and Responsibility were simulated on the stage. The dialogue between Law, Freedom and Responsibility was on the Basic law of the country, fundamental human rights and responsibility of a person before the society: those fundamental problems were presented, which will become also the principal topics of virtual proceedings of final round.
The history of Armenian legal thought, the number of articles of the RA Constitution on human rights and a short film on the RA Constitutional Court were also presented. In the film the speech of President G. Harutyunyan, the honorary chairman of Organisational Committee of Olympiad addressed to participants of Olympiad sounded: For having the strong and stable state and statehood, firstly, it is necessary that people will not to be deprived of the rights, the public being will be clearly regulated and we will be free remaining the slave of the law. We should hand down to our inheritors a country, where everything is based on the rule of law... If we could do that, we can consider that we do our duty. Otherwise, the generations will not forgive us for our shortcomings.
There was an interesting episode on the stage, when a participant per each team was invited on it; they expressed the general opinions of their teams and presented a suggestion of law to adopt. The laws concerned the enlargement of possibilities of youth, overcome of different negative phenomena, even adoption of the law on indifference.
President G. Harutyunyan began his opening speech encouraged by free and natural thinking and activity of the pupils and students: ''The traditionally organised Olympiads are often become a guideline of professional orientation, the evidence of it are important positions in the state services occupied by the former participants of Olympiads. The students and pupils actively and with certain positions try to justify the constitutionality issues and to express a great imagination. The chosen title of Olympiad ''Constitution and Law'' is not accidental. Centuries ago, our ancestors tried to give a fine formulation to the Constitution, as Definition of borders and Lords providence. It means that values of the God are put in the regulation basis, which gives quite different culture of living mankind. Consequently, it should always be taken into account that the Constitution is the culture of conscious and intelligent community''.
The RA Minister of Education and Science A. Ashotyan and the RA General Prosecutor A. Hovsepyan presented their opening speeches during the solemn opening of the final round of the Olympiad.
Under the sounds of hymn of the Republic of Armenia the flag of Republic was raised and the final round of 7th Republican Olympiad was announced opened.
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Second Day
On May 11 the participants of final round of 7th Republican Olympiad visited the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia. During the meeting with President of the RA Constitutional Court G. Harutyunyan, students and pupils have been got acquainted to the chronology of establishment of the RA Constitutional Court and its activity, the role of constitutional justice in guaranteeing and protection of human rights in the country, the necessity of having full citizenship of the country and those problems, for the solution of which the contribution of today's participants of Olympiad will be needed.
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The virtual proceedings of final round began at the hall of the lyceum. They will be continued on May 12, and the solemn closing of 7th Republican Olympiad will be held in the evening.
Press Service of the CC |
May 10, 2010
On May 10 at 19.00 the opening of final round of the 7th Republican Students' and Pupils' Olympiad ''Constitution and Law'' will take place at lyceum after Ananiya Shirakatsi (Nor Nork 5th district, 35, Artem Mikoyan str.).
This year, traditionally organized Olympiad is dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of adoption of the RA Constitution. The organizers are the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of Education and Science of RA with support of the Centre of Constitutional Law of RA, Bar Association of RA, Lyceum after Ananiya Shirakatsi and Albert Boyajian, member of ''Hayastan'' All-Armenian Fund Board of Trustees (USA).
The President of the Constitutional Court of RA G. Harutyunyan and the Minister of Education and Science of RA A. Ashotyan will present opening speeches.
The students from the Yerevan State University, Artsakh State University, French University in Armenia, Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, ''Gladzor'' University, Yerevan State Management Academy, as well as pupils from different schools of Yerevan, all marzes of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh participate to the final round of Olympiad.
The Olympiad results of virtual proceedings will be summarized on May 12 at 19.00.
Coordinating telephone numbers: 64 01 02, /039/ 40 15 46, 588125
Press Service of the CC Photos 1 | 2 |
Program of the 7th Republican Students' and Pupils' Olympiad ''Constitution and Law'' (in Armenian)
May 4, 2010
On May 4 the Constitutional Court considered the case, based on the application of citizen Vardan Harutyunyan, on deciding the question of conformity of the provision stated by the first sentence of paragraph 13 of Article 55 of the RA Law On the Prosecutor office to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.
Proceeding from the results of the case and following to Point 1 of Article 100, Article 102 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, Articles 19, 63, 64, and 69 of the RA Law On the Constitutional Court, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia decided
1. The provision stated by the first sentence of paragraph 13 of Article 55 of the RA Law On the Prosecutor office corresponds to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.
2. According to Paragraph 2 of Article 102 this Decision shall be final, is not subject to review, and shall enter into effect upon publication.
April 30, 2010
The events dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the adoption of the RA Constitution are going on. President of the RA Constitutional Court Mr. G. Harutyunyan, the RA General Prosecutor Mr. A. Hovsepyan, Minister of Justice Mr. G. Danielyan and Head of the Police Mr. A. Sargsyan participated to the meeting with students of the Yerevan State Pedagogical University.
In the hall plenty of students and professors Rector of the Yerevan State Pedagogical University Mr. A. Ghukasyan welcomed quests, presented the speakers, as well as the general subject of the discussion Constitutional main characteristics of democratic rule of law state.
Speaking on the RA Constitution, G. Harutyunyan in detail presented to the audience the historical values of constitutional culture of our people, sources and facts concerning them, as well as problems and features of nowadays.
Especially for the students studying the jurisprudence at the University, the meetings of this kind are of great importance, so the numerous questions raised before the speakers, who gave the exhaustive answers to them, were not casual. It was pleasant for the presents to know that on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the RA Constitution the publication of the collection Comments of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia is ready and will be soon presented to public. Press Service of the CC
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April 28, 2010
RA Constitutional Court President welcomed about 100 high class pupils of Yerevan schools. The organization of such open lessons in the year of the 15th anniversary of the adoption of the RA Constitution will promote the study of the State and Law discipline by schoolchildren. Besides this meeting, the State commission of holding the events dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the adoption of the RA Constitution has envisaged the organization of open lessons in each school.
Two-hour meeting with G. Harutyunyan in the Constitutional Court was a unique lesson for the pupils who listened with great attention and received exhaustive answers to their various questions. Press Service of the CC
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April 17, 2010
Report of the G. Harutyunyan at the International Seminar invited in Stepanakert.
(in Armenian) |
April 8, 2010
In the framework of the international seminar on Justice: new challenges held in Yerevan Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court of Hague Mr. Luis Moreno-Ocampo visited the Constitutional Court and met Mr. G. Harutyunyan.
Receiving the guest, Constitutional Court President made him acquainted with constitutional justice developments, especially the fundamental problems, concerning those cases on which the norms of laws were recognized contradictory and invalid (24 cases during last three years), were discussed.
The both interlocutors gave a great importance to the problem of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the provision of guarantees of supremacy of law by effective use of international experience and possibilities.
Press Service of the CC
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April 7, 2010
The greeting speech of the RA Constitutional Court President Mr. G. Harutyunyan at the International seminar on Justice: new challenges held in Yerevan.
(in Armenian)
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April 6, 2010

March 31, 2010
On March 31 President of the Constitutional Court G. Harutyunyan received the new-appointed Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Peoples Republic of China to the Republic of Armenia Mr. Tian Changchun.
The visit of the Ambassador was cognitive, and Mr. Harutyunyan made acquainted the guest with the Constitutional Court and its activity. The conversation mainly went about two countries relations since 1992, when the first state official from the newly independent Armenia who visited China for establishing the relations between these countries, was Mr. G. Harutyunyan, as Vice-president and Prime-minister of the Republic of Armenia. The both exchanged the opinions on ArmenianChinese continually developing relations, the investments made by the Chinese businessmen in Armenia, as well as on the relations between the RA Constitutional Court and the Supreme Peoples Court of the Peoples Republic of China.
Press Service of the CC
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March 24, 2010
March 5, 2010
Constitutional Justice
Bulletin of the Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of the States of New Democracy NN 3(45) 2009, 4(46) 2009 |

January 13, 2010
The Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia
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